Saturday, August 26, 2017


First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my blog. This is going to be a long process and I appreciate the time taken to read what I have to say. I hope you will enjoy it and give me some feedback.

My name is Joe Dunay and I will be the man behind the words that you will be reading this blog. I want to tell you a little about myself in this post and let you know what my intentions will be with this section of my blog.

I am a student at the Ohio Northern University located in Ada, Ohio. I am majoring in communications and public relations with a minor in social media. I am involved in a few things here on campus including the varsity baseball team, Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA), and the Student Planning Committee (SPC), I will as well be associated with the television station here on campus (ONU3-TV) and the radio station (WONB 94.9 FM).

I have many interests in life with many of them aligning with the activities that I partake in here on ONU's campus. I have always been interested in baseball from a young age. Playing the sport in college has fulfilled a long term goal for me. I as well have been interested in the media and its role in influencing how we view issues and how we go about our everyday lives. Along with the media interest that I have, I enjoy writing, blogging, making my own videos, photography, and reading. I will never pass up a good book. I enjoy spending time with my family and the close friends that I have made throughout life and especially here at ONU. All of these interests in my life keep me well rounded and focused on what I find important in life. I am lucky to have another interest to keep everything else in line, I strive to be organized in every aspect of my life (sometimes compulsively).

One Day I would like to work for a professional baseball organization as the stadium event's coordinator or social media coordinator. I find it very interesting how any kind of sport brings a community together and unites the citizens in a common passion, watching their team win. I want to have the opportunity to give back to communities that take part in the events of their local sports teams.

Now that I have told you a little about who I am, I hope you will appreciate this section of my blog a little more. I will be talking mainly about who I am, how ONU and the activities that I am involved with are progressing throughout the year, as well as how they affect the community of students here at ONU.

Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave comments below!


  1. Its really nice to learn more about you Joe, I'm looking to add a PR major so if you ever have any tips on classes or anything they would be very much appreciated.

    1. Thank you for commenting Olivia! I'm Glad to hear that you are looking to add a PR major. It is really a great program filled with great people and professors. I'd be happy to help with any questions that you have.
